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Add sourceConceptID to Code/Terminology as optional field in JSON schema

Nicola Stoira requested to merge sphnc-514 into main
  • Add sourceConceptID field in JSON schema where a Code or Terminology is defined. Applies to core concepts only.
  • When creating DB schema, skip the sourceConceptID columns in core concept tables.
  • Filter the keys on which the JSONPreprocessing pre-check should be applied by removing the keys where the sourceConceptID is defined
filtered_keys_2 = []
            for filtered_key in filtered_keys_1:
                if filtered_key.replace('/id', '/sourceConceptID').replace('/termid', '/sourceConceptID') not in keys:

The pre-check is then applied only to the Code/Terminology key paths where the source concept ID is not defined, therefore speeding up the process if many of those fields are already defined in the data. More details here:

Should we double-check with HUG,CHUV if adding this optional field will cause issues to them? Maybe it should be brought up tomorrow in the RDF meeting? @philip.krauss

Merge request reports