# Changelog Welcome to Leons detailed changelog. I hope you're having a wonderful day. Here are the most recent: Changes to the Schemaforge Front- and Backend. ## Performance - Switching to a stateless Jena Fuseki server in the backend. This cuts down the Pylode pre-processing time from ~ 1 minute to ~ 5 seconds - Introducing selective loading for the labels which improves the html visualization from ~2 minutes to ~ 10 seconds - Automated building and end to end testing in the CI CD pipeline on Gitlab ## Visualization - Unresolvable links, mostly with the prefix ht</span>tps://biomedit.ch/rdf/sphn-resource/ have been removed as hyperlinks and added as plaintext - Resolvable codes from the sources of SNOMED, LOINC, CHOP and GENO have been added as a hyperlink as opposed to plaintext - Extending a SPHN class will result in the visualization of the SPHN class as well as the changes made in the project scope - External teminologies are supported and recognized as such if a file is named as ontology_*.ttl, mostly labels are pulled from the external terminology - The hasSharedIdentifier property is introduced as a default to extend sphn:Sample and sphn:SubjectPseudoIdentifier, these will always appear as extended SPHN classes in the visualization ## Security - A cleanup job runs every Day that deletes files that have not been interacted with for longer than 2h - The upload limit has been increased from 5mb to 75mb to support larger external ontologies - Implemented a upload limit of 10 total files per user - .png upload has been disabled. Upload will complete for the following: '.xlsx', '.ttl', '.json' - Default sphn rdf is always returned: [GitLab sphn_rdf_schema.ttl (sib.swiss)](https://git.dcc.sib.swiss/sphn-semantic-framework/sphn-ontology/-/tree/master/rdf_schema) ## Front-End - Added a :sparkles: progress bar :sparkles: