0.9.0f02c3171 · ·
- Added check to enforce cardinalities - Parse terminology metadata from 'Coding System and Version' tab - Added support to parse 'Metadata' tab - Moved sphn core metadata to 'Metadata' tab - Added some sensible checks for project and terminology metadata
0.8.0c392620a · ·
- Improved logging of messages - Fixed a bug with an implicit assumption of IRI with a fragment separator
0.7.05b09af02 · ·
- Added ability for generating project-specific RDF Schema - Added ability for extendable valuesets - Added checks to ensure that the input values from dataset are sanitized - Added ability to parse cardinality directly from the concepts sheet - Made parsing of cardinality pattern more robust
0.6.0ee4d72c1 · ·
- Fixed bug where hasValue property was not being constrained to appropriate types - Fixed bug where `@base` and default prefix was not bound in the output graph - Fixed ontology base IRI in the output
0.5.0a11c0665 · ·
- Added ability to parse deprecated concepts properly - Added ability to incorporate pre-defined replaces annotations - Removed bug where all concepts had the root concept as its domain - Fixed bug where cardinalities of inherited concepts were not parsed - Default to Code concept if a standard (and valueset) does not belong to the canonical standards defined in the config.yaml
0.4.032241a1d · ·
- Move config.yaml to dataset2rdf module scope - Fixed a bug where range was not being parsed properly for certain properties - Fixed missing cardinality - Use proper encoding when opening files - Fixed imports in config - Added root nodes for imports - Added ability to use default config.yaml if none provided at runtime
0.3.00526afdd · ·
- Added ability to define worksheet information in the config YAML - Added ability to incorporate domain of a sub property to parent property - Fixed a bug when parsing ranges for a property - Fixed a bug when parsing parent of a property - Fixed a bug when inferring domain of a property
0.2.08c690ff3 · ·
- Improved how standard and valuesets are parsed for a given composedOf - Made meaning binding more generic - Fixed bugs - Added suite of tests